Swimming Lessons for Adults

From 16 years old and above

Freestyle Bow Wave Breathing

Whether you're a beginner who's never been comfortable in the water or someone looking to refine your technique, our lessons are designed to meet your needs. Swimming is not just a valuable life skill; it's also a fantastic form of exercise and relaxation. Let's embark on this journey together to boost your confidence and mastery in the water.

We hope you've gained confidence, skill, and a newfound love for swimming. Remember, practice makes habits and practice with focus will create perfect habits, so keep honing your skills and exploring the joys of aquatic activity. Stay safe, stay confident, and keep swimming!

It is never too late to learn swimming!

Adults often have certain advantages that can help them learn swimming faster compared to children. Here are some reasons why:

  • Physical Development: Adults generally have fully developed bodies, including stronger muscles and greater physical coordination, which can make it easier for them to learn and perform swimming techniques correctly.
  • Cognitive Abilities: Adults have fully developed cognitive abilities, including the ability to understand and follow instructions more effectively than children. This can make it easier for them to grasp swimming concepts and techniques.
  • Motivation: Many adults choose to learn swimming voluntarily, often with a specific goal or purpose in mind, such as fitness, water safety, or overcoming a fear of water. This motivation can drive them to learn and practice more diligently, leading to faster progress.
  • Overcoming Fear: While some adults may have a fear of water, they often have better coping mechanisms and a greater capacity to overcome fear compared to children. This can allow adults to focus more on learning swimming skills without being hindered by overwhelming fear.
  • Previous Experience: Some adults may have had prior experience with swimming or other water-related activities, even if they never learned proper swimming techniques. This existing familiarity with water can make it easier for them to adapt to swimming lessons and progress more quickly.
  • Self-Discipline: Adults typically have a higher level of self-discipline and responsibility compared to children, which can translate into more consistent practice and faster skill development in swimming.
  • Understanding of Consequences: Adults have a better understanding of the potential consequences of not learning to swim, such as the increased risk of drowning or limited participation in water-based activities. This awareness can provide additional motivation for adults to learn swimming quickly and effectively.

While adults may have certain advantages in learning swimming faster, it's important to note that everyone learns at their own pace, regardless of age. Consistent practice, patience, and encouragement are key factors in achieving success in swimming, regardless of age.

Adults Group
  • From S$140 per month
  • 45 min per lesson
  • Group size 6 to 10 students
  • Fixed weekly lessons
  • NROC Professional Swim Coach
  • No Registration Fee
Adults Private
  • From S$100 per lesson
  • 45 min per lesson
  • 4 lessons package
  • Individual: S$400.00 per month
  • 2 in a group: S$440.00 per month
  • 3 in a group: S$480.00 per month
  • 4 in a group: S$520.00 per month
  • No Registration Fee

We are in a network of over 300 locally certified coaches!

We will match you with a coach who is available to conduct swimming lessons at your preferred public or private pool. Let us know your preferred schedule and venue, our friendly coordinators will update you with the most suitable class.

After finding you the most suitable class, we will update you on the lesson details. Initial or first month lesson fee will be paid to us then subsequent months will be directly to the coach. You are strongly advised not to pay the coach for any lesson fees during your first month so that you have a month time to consider whether to continue!

Register Interest for Adults Swimming Lessons

The form below allows you to register your interest in our swimming lessons. The information provided by you will be held in strict confidence and will not be distributed without your permission.

We will try our best to make a response to you by next working day.

By submitting this registration form, you are hereby agreed and granted us permission to use your submitted information to find you a suitable coach if we can't match your preferred venue, day and time. You are also given us permission to pass your submitted information to the matched coach or swim school.

Contact Details:
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