Swimming Lessons for Family

From 3 years old and above

Familly Swimming

Whether you're dipping your toes into the water for the first time or looking to enhance your aquatic skills as a family, we're excited to embark on this journey with you. Swimming is not only a valuable life skill but also a fantastic way to bond with your loved ones while staying active and healthy. Throughout these lessons, we'll focus on building confidence, mastering essential swimming techniques, and most importantly, having a blast together in the water.

By learning and practicing swimming skills together, you've not only strengthened your bond as a family but also equipped yourselves with valuable water safety knowledge. Remember to continue enjoying the water together and always prioritize safety whenever you're swimming. Keep making waves and having fun as a family!

Benefits of family swimming lessons!

Family swimming lessons offer a multitude of benefits that go beyond just learning how to swim. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Bonding Time: Family swimming lessons provide an excellent opportunity for families to bond and spend quality time together in a fun and engaging environment. Sharing experiences, overcoming challenges, and celebrating achievements together can strengthen familial relationships.
  • Safety Awareness: Learning to swim as a family instills important water safety awareness in both children and adults. Understanding basic water safety rules and learning rescue techniques can significantly reduce the risk of drowning accidents and increase overall water confidence.
  • Physical Fitness: Swimming is a full-body workout that improves cardiovascular health, muscle strength, flexibility, and endurance. Family swimming lessons encourage regular physical activity for everyone involved, promoting a healthy and active lifestyle from a young age.
  • Skill Development: Swimming lessons teach essential swimming techniques and strokes, helping family members develop proficiency and confidence in the water. Mastering these skills provides a sense of accomplishment and empowerment for both children and adults.
  • Social Interaction: Swimming lessons often involve group activities and interaction with instructors and fellow participants. This social aspect fosters communication skills, teamwork, and cooperation among family members, as well as the opportunity to make new friends.
  • Stress Relief: Swimming has been shown to have therapeutic effects on both the body and mind. Immersing oneself in water can reduce stress, anxiety, and tension, promoting relaxation and overall well-being for the entire family.
  • Confidence Building: Overcoming fears and challenges in the water boosts self-confidence and self-esteem for all family members. As skills improve and accomplishments are celebrated together, individuals gain a sense of pride and confidence in their abilities.
  • Life Skill Acquisition: Learning to swim is a crucial life skill that can potentially save lives in emergency situations. Family swimming lessons equip participants with essential water safety knowledge and rescue skills, preparing them to handle various aquatic environments safely.
  • Quality Family Time: In today's fast-paced world, finding opportunities for meaningful family bonding can be challenging. Family swimming lessons offer dedicated time for families to disconnect from distractions, connect with each other, and create lasting memories in a fun and enjoyable setting.

Overall, family swimming lessons offer a holistic approach to physical, social, and emotional development, making them a valuable investment in the health and well-being of the entire family.

  • From S$100 per lesson
  • 45 min per lesson
  • 4 lessons package
  • 2 in a family group: S$440.00 per month
  • 3 in a family group: S$480.00 per month
  • 4 in a family group: S$520.00 per month
  • 5 in a family group: S$560.00 per month
  • 6 in a family group: S$600.00 per month
  • NROC Professional Swim Coach
  • No Registration Fee

We are in a network of over 300 locally certified coaches!

We will match you with a coach who is available to conduct swimming lessons at your preferred public or private pool. Let us know your preferred schedule and venue, our friendly coordinators will update you with the most suitable class.

After finding you the most suitable class, we will update you on the lesson details. Initial or first month lesson fee will be paid to us then subsequent months will be directly to the coach. You are strongly advised not to pay the coach for any lesson fees during your first month so that you have a month time to consider whether to continue!

Register Interest for Family Swimming Lessons

The form below allows you to register your interest in our swimming lessons. The information provided by you will be held in strict confidence and will not be distributed without your permission.

We will try our best to make a response to you by next working day.

By submitting this registration form, you are hereby agreed and granted us permission to use your submitted information to find you a suitable coach if we can't match your preferred venue, day and time. You are also given us permission to pass your submitted information to the matched coach or swim school.

Contact Details:
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